Monday, November 4, 2013

Fight Club

The theme of insomnia is present throughout the narrative of David Fincher's Fight Club (1999) as portrayed through the behaviour, actions and narration of the protagonist, played by Edward Norton. Neither here nor there, neither awake nor asleep the protagonist is never fully aware of the nature of his own morals, beliefs or relationships with those in the world around him.

Capitalism and consumerism in modern society are foregrounded as a common enemy for those involved in Project Mayhem. The left wing anarchist group are driven by the anti-establishment-damn-the-man morals propagated by Brad Pitt's Tyler Durden. The ideals promoted by the group are endemic to disenchanted anglo-saxon westerners. 

Marla Singer is both Tyler's love interest and symbol of disgust. His life is entwined with hers in ways in which he cannot comprehend, nor care to properly address. She sets him on a path to self destruction, yet is also the one thing in the world he has to cling to. Her existence is almost as illusory as Tyler's alter ego.